Saturday, December 1, 2012

Need something to read?

I found a new website the other day that's designed to let you hunt down new books by specifying quite exactly the kind of thing you like to read. It's called Book Matchers. The idea is to match you with a book, an author, a genre according to your personal tastes. The service is free and once you've located a book that looks interesting, the links take you to the format and online bookseller of your choice.

The authors themselves enter the text and decide on the categories and keywords, so you aren't depending on a third party to decide what's "romantic" or "YA". Levels of sex and violence are noted up front, too, when appropriate, also based on the author's own assessment.  Excerpts are also included, so you  have the advantage of a more or less random page test to see if the writing is as good as the concept.

Book Matchers is still small but growing as more authors and readers find out about it. Worth looking into!

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